The Royal Bedchamber
05.20.03 ~ 13:52

My feet feel weird.

It is probably because I am wearing shoes today. Shoes. Not boots. Not ten-hole Docs or ten-hole Gripfast or something that I wear my thin black dress socks with. Not the boots that I have worn almost every single day for over two years. That is right -- shoes. Shoes with white socks.

I think it might be the white socks that are really throwing me off. They just might be muffling my feet. Besides which, my jeans are fresh out of the wash, right? So they have yet to loosen up enough to sling low on my hips, and the boot-cut cuff is still a little stiff and does not fall right either. I feel like I am wearing high-water pants, with black shoes, and white socks. I am not enjoying this.

I will, however, persevere. Once my jeans chill the fuck out and RELAX a little bit (they are always SO TENSE), everything will be fine.

I honestly do not know what kind of socks to wear with these shoes. They are these very cute black-with-a-white-swoopy-stripe Puma soccer shoes. Except without that fold-over tongue of which Puma shoe-designers seem so fond. I mean, these seem like the kind of shoe with which white cotton athletic socks would be entirely appropriate, and yet, as the day goes on, I find this to be less and less the case. I remain hopeful that I can figure out just what kind of socks will work best.

And also, I bought a pair of ten-hole boots. Ha.

Antique ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modern

Recent Fulminations:
04.25.2004 ~ So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye
04.22.2004 ~ Pulling up stakes
04.20.04 ~ If There Were Any Doubt
04.19.04 ~ Is It Morning Already??
04.19.04 ~ Tedium
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