The Royal Bedchamber
04.03.03 ~ 17:07

The technological age has clearly spoiled me.

I just had to write out answers to a company survey ("What can we do to make this a more pleasant place to work?" etc.) using an actual pen and paper. Somehow, in the process, I have severely damaged my left hand -- and it was the hand that was merely holding down the paper. Now, I cannot move my left thumb, and my entire left hand is largely unusable, unless I wish to create sharp stabbing pains that shoot from my thumb up my forearm.

As a result, this entire entry is being typed solely with my right hand, as the left just sits there upon my desk, curled and helpless.

I really hope this is a mere coincidence, and not actually a result of resorting to a more primitive method of communication than "electronic." I would hate to be allergic to anachronisms.

Antique ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modern

Recent Fulminations:
04.25.2004 ~ So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye
04.22.2004 ~ Pulling up stakes
04.20.04 ~ If There Were Any Doubt
04.19.04 ~ Is It Morning Already??
04.19.04 ~ Tedium
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