The Royal Bedchamber
The Axe Effect
05.21.03 ~ 15:45

He mentioned it, so I had better explain the "REALLY FUNNY" story involving an Axe.

First off, last night was the series finale of Buffy. I will not go into plot analysis here, except to observe that HOLY COW, evil is really going to have its work cut out for it from now on. And also I should mention that Shiv would so be a Slayer and I would have to be a sidekick, except the really COOL kind of sidekick with swirling coats.

So. To the funny story.

After everybody went home post-Buffy-party, Flexible (or maybe I should just call him Flex? or Ible? or maybe just Lex? Gyah.) and I were getting smoochy. Almost immediately, I stop and tell him, "Wow. smell GREAT today."

He just smiled.

I continue: "No, I smell REALLY GREAT. Like, you smell FANTASTIC." I then proceeded to smush my nose up against his chest so as to better inhale the wonderful scent of this remarkably pleasantly-fragranced boy. "(SNIFFFFFFFFF) MMMMmmmmm!!" I said exuberantly. "MMMMMMMMM."

He smiled again. And said, "Um. Yeah. It's that Axe deodorant," at which point I stopped trying to inhale him whole, stared, looking like I had been poleaxed (no pun intended...well, small pun intended I suppose), and burst into hysterical laughter for completely unintentionally acting out a commercial.

POST-SCRIPT: I just started actually looking through the above website for Axe Deodorant Body Spray. For the love of sweet merciful god, go to it right now. Especially the AXE AMS (Automated Matching System). I am CRYING from laughing here.

Antique ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modern

Recent Fulminations:
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04.22.2004 ~ Pulling up stakes
04.20.04 ~ If There Were Any Doubt
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04.19.04 ~ Tedium
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