The Royal Bedchamber
Strangely Enough
10.12.03 ~ 12:58

Strange Freakish Coincidence Week continues apace. Let me fill you in, because I know you're dying to know.

First; Remember how I told you about running into that random girl who took pictures of me in January and has that picture blown up and hanging in her bedroom? Right. The picture was taken on the night of my first date with Flex. Earlier in the date, we had gone to see the movie "Chicago." Because I am often a sentimental sap-face, I have been keeping the ticket stub from that movie in my wallet ever since.

Now, we are in July. I decide to buy a new wallet, as my old wallet has essentially disintegrated. So I am performing the fun and exciting ritual of transferring all of my belongings from one wallet to another. Over goes my credit cards, a pack of stamps, my ID, my Metrocard, my Commemorative I Just Saw Parker "Did You Eat A Lot Of Pot Pies" Posey wet-nap. But where, you ask, is the ticket stub?

I had no idea. It vanished. When I emptied the old wallet, I would have sworn on my life that I saw the stub and it was sitting in the pile of things to tuck into nice clean new-wallet pockets. But then! It just was not there! I tore my wallet and my bag apart. I emptied them both. I turned them upside down and inside out. It was





And now fast-forward to yesterday. I go over to the lovely Shiv's house, to watch my brand-new DVD of the BBC production of Neil Gaiman's "Neverwhere." It was a 2-DVD set, so there is this cardboard box and the two DVD cases nestle comfortably inside. Our third lovely friend who was watching with us hands me the DVD box, and then hands me...the ticket stub. That she had found earlier, while looking at the DVD cases. It had been sitting in the box, inbetween the two cases. "Chicago." January 18. Inside a DVD box that I bought last week. After it had been missing since July.

I have NO idea how it could have magically crossed the barriers of time, space, and logic to reappear yesterday. Nobody else seems to be quite as mystified and astounded as I am, sadly. Nevertheless, my ticket stub now safely rests in my wallet, where it will probably live until it disappears again next week and reappears in February, 2021.

Also, ticket stubs aside, Shiv was discussing yesterday how she used to know somebody who absolutely loved the name "Jubal." This friend was always talking abuot his friend Jubal and how great the name was. "Like Jubal Harshaw?" I ask? "Very similiar," she replied. Jubal. Who actually knows anyone named Jubal?!? And then? This morning? I check my email. "You have a new Friendster message from Jubal," it told me.

Jubal, people.

Jubal sent me a message.

Of course, I do not know if this is the same Jubal of which Shiv was speaking, because Friendster seems to have lost the message from him. Presumably, it has assumed the lease on whatever apartment my ticket stub has been living in since July.

Antique ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modern

Recent Fulminations:
04.25.2004 ~ So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye
04.22.2004 ~ Pulling up stakes
04.20.04 ~ If There Were Any Doubt
04.19.04 ~ Is It Morning Already??
04.19.04 ~ Tedium
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