The Royal Bedchamber
"Who loves you more than me? --Boy"
05.01.03 ~ 16:04

Above, you will see a representation of my desk here at work. At least, a representation of what sits atop said desk.

An hour or two ago, the lovely and talented HR Lady stopped by my desk. "Delivery," she says with a smile. And sure enough. My Boy. My wonderful, sweet, charming, adorable boy. Sent me a dozen red roses.

And because he has been reading this little diary, he even signed the card, "Boy."

This also explains several curious actions: He asked me for another business card last night. "My mom took the one I already had, in case she needs to get a hold of you, she said. So I need a new one." He also called Little Owl last night, after she'd gone to bed, to ask her a "question" of some sort -- and I only found out because Owl asked if I knew the reason, before he had a chance to call her today and explain that he had only been looking for my address.

And then I got to come out, to my whole office! Or at least to the guy who told the now very entertaining story here. The very conservative guy. Who asked, "Wow, who are THOSE from, ha ha ha?" And was answered, "Oh! They're from my boyfriend!"His reply: "Oh." And then he sat down. And then I saw half the office looking at me. It was freaking AWESOME.

It still amazes me -- after all the times I have come out to someone, I still get shaky and vaguely queasy immediately afterwards, every single time, followed by a brilliant surge of relief.

I just feel like I am rambling now. I keep looking my roses and losing my train of thought.

Antique ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modern

Recent Fulminations:
04.25.2004 ~ So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye
04.22.2004 ~ Pulling up stakes
04.20.04 ~ If There Were Any Doubt
04.19.04 ~ Is It Morning Already??
04.19.04 ~ Tedium
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