The Royal Bedchamber
I am SO rambling.
11.07.03 ~ 13:06

I think that I could probably take over the world today.

If I wanted to.

I feel cute and clean-shaven (finally! after a week of forgetting to buy new razorblades), and last night I got bored and used a bit of the leftover Manic Panic under the sink, so my hair is a subtle dark purple. I am about to go on vacation with Shiv and Little Owl, Tranq and my adorable Flexible. We are going to Providence, RI. I have never been to Rhode Island, and have in fact been part of several discussions in which the theory that Rhode Island is, as a state, completely illusory, utterly fabricated, and in all other ways just not there, was posited with a great deal of fervor. I look forward to seeing if it actually exists.

Plans for the weekend include wearing pale blue cable-knit sweaters and tan corduroy, sitting in front of a blazing fire, and gazing out wistfully over the sea.

My work suffers today, however, as I have learned the secretive secret that we are, as a group, being taken out to see The Matrix: Revolutions this afternoon. We leave at 3, and to be honest, I cannot see how I could bring myself to start a new project with only TWO HOURS left in the day. Also, I get to see the movie again, which makes me jump up and down and squirm like a very excited puppy who needs to pee.

My turkey and pear chutney wrap was lovely as usual. The cauliflower-cheddar soup was not quite so tasty.

Also, please allow me another dose of narcissism, not like you could stop me even if you wanted to: John Smokin' Steed.

And finally, the bus ride to Providence features a marathon of first-season episodes of ALIAS, the show that kicks ALL the ass, now that Buffy is no longer available to kick any of it herself. Netflix provides me with the Season One discs, in December they will provide me with Season Two, and after that, my DVR will provide me with a backlog of Season Three, after which time I can watch the show with everybody else. It's a chore, sometimes, catching up on those bits of pop culture that you are amazed you missed in the first damn place.

Antique ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modern

Recent Fulminations:
04.25.2004 ~ So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye
04.22.2004 ~ Pulling up stakes
04.20.04 ~ If There Were Any Doubt
04.19.04 ~ Is It Morning Already??
04.19.04 ~ Tedium
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