The Royal Bedchamber
05.06.03 ~ 16:48

Part One: In which I share a picture of the bed that I would very much like to own.
Look at this SEXY BED.
I have been having trouble merging my two conflicting desires -- one, to be sleek and minimalist and sexy, and two, to be posh and sumptuous and decadent. But look! Taydo to the rescue! We had a lovely conversation yesterday regarding the colors and types of fabrics that might be draped (oh-so-artfully) over and down the bars of the canopy. (Red velvet, like my curtains, plus an overlay of something sheer and gold. (Stop laughing at me.)) Voila! Sleek, sexy, decadent, and sumptuous, all at the same time.

Part Two: In which I shamelessly praise Taydo's mad skillz with the graphics. Once again to the rescue, he has created a look that is smooooth and sleeeek and royal and decadent all at once. I really am loving the revamped graphics. Yay Taydo!

Part Three: In which I relate a news article that I just read. Seems that our young Prince William of England wants to move to my fair city for a few years after he finishes university. This sounds like a simply stellar opportunity for a young Anglophilic royalty-worshipper to get in some SERIOUS stalking time. Of course he and I will meet and become fast friends. I will hang out in his sleek minimalist loft, and he will be posh and decadent. Oh, and also, I will get to meet the Queen.

Antique ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modern

Recent Fulminations:
04.25.2004 ~ So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye
04.22.2004 ~ Pulling up stakes
04.20.04 ~ If There Were Any Doubt
04.19.04 ~ Is It Morning Already??
04.19.04 ~ Tedium
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