The Royal Bedchamber
02.02.04 ~ 16:53

Despite the fact that the whole exploding-whale thing has been my favorite story for the past week, it is a little late to bring it up here now. Other people have already babbled about it enough that it would look like I am just following along behind, which is not something that I do. I will rest easy in the knowledge that I brought the joy of exploding whales to plenty of my friends in real life.

Slightly more current, and therefore more topical, is the subject of Janet Jackson and her Superbowl boob, with its attendant nipple-cozy. I will not discuss this either, as I try to refrain from discussing boobs at all times.

Besides, since when has this space been for regurgitation of random news articles, anyway?

I should be telling you about the two-weeks-old news about our fantastic first year anniversary and how the utterly amazing Bill bought us a very fancy and utterly impromptu gourmet meal at Blue Ribbon, wherein we ate oysters and foie gras and creme brulee and drank champagne, and at which my amazing boyfriend gave me a teddy bear that he made for me. Yes, made for me, with his own two hands and a sewing machine, complete with cute little pads on the bottom of his adorable little feetlets. I named him Bruno, which I think might be an homage to the "chocolate bruno" we ate for dessert that night, but might be a completely unrelated product of my confusing brain. And now Bruno lives in my bed along with Blue Bear and Mildred the Sheep.

I could also talk about how last night I felt like maple syrup, in the slow, languorous, sweet, sleepy, drippy kind of way, where all I really wanted was to be warmed and spread out on something.

I could talk about my gigantic nephew who is five months old but as big as a toddler, or about the fact that I just got in touch with my favorite cousin, or about how much I hate my new phone's voicemail capabilities, or perhaps I could make a passing self-deprecating reference to the number of hours I have spent combing Apple-related rumor sites to see if there might be an upcoming 20th Anniversary computer.

I hardly know any more. I am falling out of the habit of this writing thing, but I do not really want to stop. I think I have just run out of interesting topics. I need to shift gears, do something to jumpstart both my brain and my diary.

If anyone felt like buying me a cabin on the newly-launched Queen Mary II, I promise I would write about it every day, as I bask on sun-drenched promenades and dine on tropical fruit and tea.

Antique ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modern

Recent Fulminations:
04.25.2004 ~ So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye
04.22.2004 ~ Pulling up stakes
04.20.04 ~ If There Were Any Doubt
04.19.04 ~ Is It Morning Already??
04.19.04 ~ Tedium
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