The Royal Bedchamber
Where Is My Cane
01.15.04 ~ 17:52

I have had such issues with age, of late.

First, I just got an email from my mother, asking if I was planning to attend her sixtieth birthday party. Now, I have been perfectly aware that my mom is 59 and a half. Somehow, this never translated in my brain as "Mom is about to be 60," however. This explains several things, though, primary among them being her meltdown at Christmas, when she cried after opening all of her presents. Apparently, she hated everything she got because she felt that she only received 10 different kinds of lotion, and we only bought her lotion because we thought to ourselves (ourselves being my sister and I), "I don't know what to get for mom! Oh well. I'll buy her lotion. She's old and old people like lotion."

She has since realized that not only did she specifically request each and every kind of lotion she received...well, she is actually rather fond of it all as well. Does not seem to stopher from having an age-related panic, though.

Then I found out today that I have been wildly mistaken about the age of my co-workers. I have assumed that everyone in here is about five years older than I am. Oh-ho, not so! Actually, the lion's share of us are all within about six months of each other, which I find rather hard to wrap my mind around. They all SEEM so much older than I am -- and either that means that I am immature, or I actually look a lot older than I think I do, neither of which pleases me.

At the same time that I realized how young everyone here is, I also realized that I could not, for the LIFE of me, remember just how old I am. Am I 26? Am I 27? I spent a good fiftenn minutes not being able to remember, until I actrually sat down and did the math. It was awfully disconcerting.

You know what I think, though? I think I am so confused because of when I went out on Friday and one of my friends told the waiter it was my birthday and I got pie with a candle in it and everyone sang to me. I think it has thrown off my internal calendar completely. So please, whatever you do, stop singing Happy Birthday to me. If it happens much more, I am going to be certain that I am 79 years old by next week.

Antique ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modern

Recent Fulminations:
04.25.2004 ~ So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye
04.22.2004 ~ Pulling up stakes
04.20.04 ~ If There Were Any Doubt
04.19.04 ~ Is It Morning Already??
04.19.04 ~ Tedium
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