The Royal Bedchamber
My pants fell down.
03.16.04 ~ 16:05

Hi everybody! My pants just fell down! Fell! Down! All the way to my ankles!

I'm wearing a suit today because I have a lovely evening planned for Flex and I. So, suits! He is also supposed to wear a suit. My suit is a very lovely lightweight dark charcoal grey wool/cashmere Ralph Lauren suit (which by the way I purchased for $25 at a Salvation Army because I am the best shopper in the world). And I just went to use the restroom at my work. And I unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my pants and unzipped my zipper.

And my pants fell down!

I am used to wearing pants with a tighter fit, which will keep themselves up while unfastened, by resting gently upon my derriere. Not that I have a big ass or anything, mind you, but there's enough butt to keep my PANTS from falling DOWN. These slacks are more generously cut, and the fabric is so airy, that they just fell right down. I keep saying it and it keeps sounding silly. My pants fell down.

I mean, lucky for me I was alone in the restroom at the time! Otherwise, a co-worker might have seen my red-and-black-stripey-boxer-briefs-from-H&M-clad behind. Happily, I was spared that embarrassment, but I still stooped down really fast to pull my pants back up and came really, very, perilously close to putting my face right into the urinal in front of which I was standing. Or stooping, as the case may be. Thank every deity you can think of that did NOT happen, or else I might have been forced to remove my face in a frenzy of scrubbing and clawing in horror and revulsion. And nobody wants that.

My pants fell down!

Antique ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modern

Recent Fulminations:
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04.22.2004 ~ Pulling up stakes
04.20.04 ~ If There Were Any Doubt
04.19.04 ~ Is It Morning Already??
04.19.04 ~ Tedium
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