The Royal Bedchamber
How To Become An Force For Good, In Four Easy Steps
01.21.04 ~ 14:28

Step One: Read this.

Step Two: Get angry about it.

Step Three: Send your first Letter To The Editor.

"I'd like to express my horror at the article you published today, under the title of "Wild Howard's Muppet Shriek." Based on her characterization of Howard Dean's rally speech, it sounds as if your reporter was merely describing events heard second- or third-hand, without having actually viewed it herself. Your reporter's hyperbolic rhetoric seemed something more suited for the Weekly World News than the New York Post. Personally, I felt that Dean's speech was full of excitement and enthusiasm -- just the qualities required at a rally, one might imagine -- rather than anger.

I also found the choice of sources interesting. Not only are we left to wonder who the "therapists" mentioned in the photo's caption might be, we're also expected to believe that Republican strategists, GOP pollsters, and conservative talk show hosts are the fairest source for reactions to Dean's speech. Nowhere does the article mention any Dean supporters who may have actually been in the crowd, and perhaps realized what his actions truly represented: that of a man who was passionately encouraging his supporters."

Step Four: Laugh excitedly and tell your friends you feel all "activisty."

Antique ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modern

Recent Fulminations:
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