The Royal Bedchamber
My Funny Entry That Is Not As Funny The Second Time Writing It, Damn It All
01.27.03 ~ 12:32

I just wrote this entry once. Now I have to write it again. Damn it all.


I have several interesting things to report.

First, those adorable Danish songsters have struck another mighty blow for justice! Aqua gets to continue using their song, Barbie Girl. Color me pleased as punch. CNN, however, needs to work on their research department, as it's not, "I'm a blonde bimbo," but rather "I'm a blonde bimbo GIRL." Also, the judge involved is the coolest judge ever, as he concludes by stating that "The parties are advised to chill."

Second, I went to a Super Bowl Party yesterday. I decided to root for the team in red, as I liked their uniforms better. Also, the "Raiders" sound kind of...mean, while the "Buccaneers" sound like the sort of jaunty fellows one might see in The Pirates of Penzance. After the game, we were flipping channels and came across The Powerpuff Girls, a series on Gay Weddings, Trading Spaces, an Audrey Hepburn marathon, and a Two Fat Ladies marathon. It would appear that all the networks not showing the football game knew exactly to whom they were catering.

Third, the streets are engry with me. All four finger-knuckles of my right hand are missing skin-flaps that the road ate yesterday when I slipped and fell on it. Plus, this morning I almost fell down about ten times on my way to work. Remind me, please, to not fall on my ass today. I would prefer to leave myself unbruised.

Antique ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modern

Recent Fulminations:
04.25.2004 ~ So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye
04.22.2004 ~ Pulling up stakes
04.20.04 ~ If There Were Any Doubt
04.19.04 ~ Is It Morning Already??
04.19.04 ~ Tedium
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